
Welcome to a luminous garden of research, ideas, and energetic intention where the seeds of human potential flourish! This site blossoms with articles, posts, and links to Eastern wisdom and Western study that are the soil for healthy cultivation of the mind, body, and spirit. Join us on the journey to discovering our true source...

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Yoga 101

To my Yoga 101 workshop students...the website below has great basic sequences, from warm ups to seated and standing postures and sun salutations. This is a great way to practice during the week for a few minutes at a time!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Exercises for Mommas-to-be

Here is the link to a helpful article about 5 daily exercises for expectant women:

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Blessings of Yoga

What an amazing summer's end...

The blessings of yoga truly reach all ages, shapes, and sizes! Kids Yoga at Asana is blooming, my soon-to-be-mommies are blossoming with the wisdom of primal intelligence, and the classes in between are opening minds and bodies and infusing joyous spirit into the earth!

Here are some great websites for my sensational students...

...for parents and kids:
...for my mommas-to-be:
...for all yogis and yogins:

Thank you for being my inspiration!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Here We Are!

Greetings my dear friends! Thank you for joining me on life's beautiful journey. For my first post, I am following some good advice from a friend: keep it simple. (But be sure to stay tuned for mind-blowing future entries!)

My story is as "simple" as yours...wink, wink! Of course we all have a story of how we got to here. You know, it's the not-so-brief rundown of where we grew up, our family structure and early school experiences, dreams and hobbies, academic pursuits, the many turns we have taken through various careers, cities, circles, and where we are headed next. But this isn't speed-dating, so though you may certainly glean these bits and pieces over time, what's most important right now is what's happening right now!

I believe that the health of our existence in this lifetime is precious and must be nurtured throughout the growth process. At every step of the way, we can offer love, compassion, and grace to ourselves and those around us. Inner peace, brought about through healthy mind, body and soul, influences outer beauty and bounty in our world. So be kind to yourself and others. It's the first step.